As a mother of an only child, the “we’re having another baby” cartoon very much hit home. At least my interpretation is that it expresses the unspoken pressure, constant discussion of…having more than one kid.

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hey those are MY 7 ways to express anger! how'd u get inside my head

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Oh my god, the first one and then.....all of them. Thank you, you are a gem.

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those "7 ways to express anger" really hit the nail on the head

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haha, "why aren't you bragging are you some kind of loser?" so real. sigh. the world we live in is bonkers.

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The last one is: thank heavens I have no thoughts.

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such brilliance. thank you thank you for naming these realities!

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Love these!! 😍

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B'sha'ah tovah!!

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Oh, my! Congrats (new baby?) and empathy in advance! This will be good.

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