Liana Finck’s NeWsLeTtEr

Hello, I’m Liana Finck, New Yorker cartoonist, graphic novelist and former Instagram evangelist. I’ve been posting here once a week as a way to connect directly with readers in a longer-form way than social media, and with less of the meanness. Lately I️’ve been writing an essay each week. I’m not sure how to classify these, but I️ love writing them. Some weeks I post drawings.

*Pre-order my new book, Mixed Feelings, here.*

Want a print? Go here.

Follow me on Insta, here.

Paid subscribers will get more of everything, and sometimes a chance to interact and ask questions (would love to do more of that).

Founding members also get a hand-drawn postcard in the mail.

Subscribe to Liana’s Newsletter

A weekly selection of drawings by New Yorker cartoonist and matador Liana Finck, sent out on Wednesdays. Paid subscribers will also get a Sunday email of autobiographical comics, process drawings, and other behind-the-scenes things.
